Says Who?


Episode Summary

Welcome to the Says Who Vacation Party! Get your swimsuit! Put on your sunglasses! It's VACATION TIME! The President is off for his 17 day golf trip, which are different from the two, three, and four day golf trips he normally takes. So we all get the month off! Right?!?! An amazing amount has happened in the last two weeks: Healthcare was saved. The Mooch was lost. But can you really lose a Mooch? A Mooch that gave us so much, like the mental image of Steve Bannon, c*ks*k*r? Dan cannot let this image go. It plays in his mind as he swims. Meanwhile, Maureen has cracked her head on an English wall and snuck up an Italian mountain, where she has a mysterious meeting with a Count. Why not? It's Summer 2017 and it's time to live our best lives. If it doesn't bring you joy, it's time to get it gone. Put us in your ears. We'll meet you on the golf course.

Episode Notes

Welcome to the Says Who Vacation Party! Get your swimsuit! Put on your sunglasses! It's VACATION TIME! The President is off for his 17 day golf trip, which are different from the two, three, and four day golf trips he normally takes. So we all get the month off! Right?!?!

An amazing amount has happened in the last two weeks: Healthcare was saved. The Mooch was lost. But can you really lose a Mooch? A Mooch that gave us so much, like the mental image of Steve Bannon, cksk*r? Dan cannot let this image go. It plays in his mind as he swims. Meanwhile, Maureen has cracked her head on an English wall and snuck up an Italian mountain, where she has a mysterious meeting with a Count. Why not?

It's Summer 2017 and it's time to live our best lives. If it doesn't bring you joy, it's time to get it gone.

Put us in your ears. We'll meet you on the golf course.


This week in politics, from

Mooch calls the New Yorker

Mr. Mooch's Wild Week, in the words of those who were there.

Trump gets folders of compliments two times a day.

Your Intrepid Hosts: Maureen Johnson and Dan Sinker

Our awesome theme is courtesy of Ted Leo.

Our organ music was performed by Josh Kantor

Says Who's Logo was made by the one and only Darth