Says Who?


Episode Summary

On a dark day in American politics, we go FULL BORE POSITIVE with a friendly alien named Jonny Sun. Dan has an idea for a sitcom. Maureen talks about puppets and wall cheese. There's a man with rocks in his head. All of this, improbably, has to do with the news of the last two weeks, somehow. Bonus: PODCAST DANCING! You can see it, but it's happening. It's all happening. None of this is brought to you by Blue Apron, which won't even come up. Says Who: because we all need a buddy comedy right about now.

Episode Notes

On a dark day in American politics, we go FULL BORE POSITIVE with a friendly alien named Jonny Sun.

Dan has an idea for a sitcom. Maureen talks about puppets and wall cheese. There's a man with rocks in his head. All of this, improbably, has to do with the news of the last two weeks, somehow.

Bonus: PODCAST DANCING! You can see it, but it's happening. It's all happening. None of this is brought to you by Blue Apron, which won't even come up.

Says Who: because we all need a buddy comedy right about now.


Meet Jonny!

And get his book!

"I have rocks in my head."

Mr. Trump's Strange, Strange Interview.

The announcement for HOW I RESIST!

Your Intrepid Hosts: Maureen Johnson and Dan Sinker

Our awesome theme is courtesy of Ted Leo.

Says Who's Logo was made by the one and only Darth