Says Who?


Episode Summary

Look, everyone is very tired.

Episode Notes

Dan and Maureen are sleepy. They would like to take a nap. They have built two blanket forts in the SaysWhovia Town Hall and were trying to catch a few zzzz, but then they remembered that they needed to be awake. Obviously, this was tough to hear.

The news this week is…not all bad? There is some hope on the COVID front? And there is some news that is just very English. Maureen is here to talk about Partygate again—the scandal that has cheese. And there’s also bad news! But mostly, Dan and Maureen want to talk about games and napping. And Dan also wants to take a few pops at New York City, because he’s jealous that he doesn’t live there. So jelly. He lives in stupid Chicago with it’s stupid pizza that isn’t even pizza—it’s like a bread bowl gone wrong. Dan knows this and the fact is eating him up from the inside.

Grab your blanket, SaysWhovia. Let Dan and Maureen lull you to sleep. We just need a nice nap for a few months.