Says Who?


Episode Summary

Hey, SaysWhovia, grab a drink. Would you like a Pina colada?

Episode Notes

Maureen is reporting in from a beach in Mexico, where the air is soft, the surf is soothing, and the trees are full of iguanas.  She has been writing in the sun. Dan has been on top of the news—and there’s good news! Danny Fenster has been freed from jail in Myanmar, Steve Bannon is heading in, and Alex Jones is about to lose all his money! It’s fantastic stuff. Dan is happy. Maureen is blissful. The iguanas are romantic. The sea laps the shore, and all is well.

But Maureen has questions. What’s in the sea? What’s that in the palm tree? What comes next? Dan tries to save her from herself, but he cannot move fast enough.

Members of the audience, please feel free to get up and move around. It’s the Great Intermission…or, it’s proof that Maureen can ruin anything.