Says Who?


Episode Summary

Ahoy, SaysWhovians! It’s the Good Ship Good News! Or is it.

Episode Notes

Ahoy, SaysWhovians! It’s the Good Ship Good News! It sailed into our port. It’s been so long since we’ve seen it. Dan has visited Disneyland. Maureen is on vacation. Today, they will speak only of happy things. That’s what Dan has planned.

Well. There will be a few little things. Like John Bolton’s book. And Stephen Miller’s weird wedding. But nothing will get in the way of… What’s that noise? Maureen is saying something. She wants to tell Dan a dream she had—a dream about a shark. A shark that comes in through a window. What a strange dream. Surely, it means nothing. What’s that? Maureen has something else she wants to tell Dan. Something Dan does not want to hear. Why is Dan crying? What’s happening? Was that ship in our harbor a pirate ship? Or was it full of sharks?

We’re going to need a bigger boat, SaysWhovia

Episode Transcription

Dan (00:01):

This episode of Says Who is brought to you by you, through your support of our Patreon at You, are the ones that make this all happen, and boy, oh boy, we couldn't be happier, happier about that. Happier.


Maureen (00:22):

Impeachment time fyi.


Dan (00:23):

That's not a thing anymore. No.


Maureen (00:24):



Dan (00:28):


Maureen (00:38):, get 25 free boxes by entering the code


Dan (00:48):

It's going to be a long episode.


Maureen (00:52):

Yup. Hey, it's Maureen. Whoo, there goes that big last sailboat again. I'm at the beach where I'm reading. My vacation is reading. People, what do you do on vacation? I read, and it's awesome. You should read books, I can't recommend it enough honestly. You want to restore your sanity, read some books, and if you want, you can read Truly Devious, Truly Devious Series which is Truly Devious, The Hand on The Wall. Truly Devious, Vanishing Stair, then The Hand on The Wall. I should know this, I wrote them. They're available now, it's a mystery trilogy. It will definitely get you out of the current reality. Pace it out. You'll have a couple of days completely reality free. Books, let's [crosstalk 00:01:39].


Dan (01:39):

Maureen, are you talking about New York times bestselling series, the Truly Devious Series?


Maureen (01:46):

Dan, I'm not only talking about that, but I'm also talking about the USA today bestselling series. It actually was both.


Dan (01:55):

That's awesome. Congratulations.


Maureen (01:58):

Well, it's thanks to everybody that got a copy and read it, so thank you. That fyi. I'll never-


Dan (02:08):

You miss that don't you?


Maureen (02:09):

I'll never quit it.


Dan (02:12):

Well, eventually I'll have something with that domain again, I'm sure.


Maureen (02:16):

Oh, Dan, trust me. The next one is probably only a couple of days around the corner, or whatever it is that we're going towards.


Dan (02:23):

Oh no.


Maureen (02:34):

Hey Dan, you ready?


Dan (02:36):

Hey, yeah, I guess so.


Maureen (02:44):

Yeah, I guess, I think I'm ready. Can you hear the surf crashing in the background now?


Dan (02:51):

Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, that sounds nice. It sounds nice.


Maureen (02:59):

I am literally sitting in a bed right now because the way the wifi and being able to plug in the computer, I'm in bed but legs stretched out. I'm looking at, at just above my feet is the view of Caribbean blue water and a sailboat gently. We're seeing it around on the water and ...


Dan (03:19):

It sounds nice.


Maureen (03:23):

And you, your week probably pretty stressful terrible, normal?


Dan (03:28):

Busy week, but ended it at Disneyland and it was great. I know. I don't know what this feeling is Maureen.


Maureen (03:47):

Do we have Coronavirus?


Dan (03:50):

I'm not coughing or anything, so I don't think it's that.


Maureen (03:53):

Well you don't know. Maybe that's how it starts is just you feel at whatever this is.


Dan (03:59):

What was that ha? Hacking.


Maureen (04:01):



Dan (04:02):



Maureen (04:05):

Hamming? Ham?


Dan (04:07):

I do feel like ham. It's a weird feeling. It's like my chest is warm but not in a burny way.


Maureen (04:22):

Well, I'm sure this will last.


Dan (04:24):

Sure, I hope so. It feels ... This is where good.


Maureen (04:31):

Let's talk about the news.


Dan (04:35):

It went away. Welcome to Says Who, the podcast that isn't a podcast.


Maureen (04:52):

It's a coping strategy. I'm Maureen Johnson or as I'm calling myself today, beachy Jim.


Dan (04:59):

Whoa, and I am Dan Sinker or as I'm calling myself forever Dan sinker.


Maureen (05:07):

Right. Dan.


Dan (05:11):

You are not in New York city, Maureen.


Maureen (05:14):



Dan (05:16):

Where are you?


Maureen (05:16):

Dan, I am in Antigua.


Dan (05:19):



Maureen (05:20):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).


Dan (05:21):

That's a place in the world.


Maureen (05:24):

It is. It's in the Caribbean, and it is man, the beaches here are ... Okay, here's the thing. The place we're staying at is lovely. We've been here twice before. The last time we were here we got stuck. There was a major snow storm and we got stuck here for four extra days. So, my last memories of this place are just spending it, trying to get on the phone to get a flight, any seat on any flight out.


Dan (05:58):



Maureen (06:00):

Okay, I'm going to be real honest about this place Dan. There is a vaguely gently geriatric vibe about it. Just a touch, just a smooch, but I-


Dan (06:11):

You're in a resort?


Maureen (06:13):



Dan (06:15):

Like an elderly resort?


Maureen (06:17):

No, it's not that. It's just adults only. But, we were speculating on why we were at the lower, we're not completely alone here in our age group, but we are in the minority and we were trying to figure out why that is. And we guessed it was a number of things. One, no children are allowed here, so that's going to eliminate-


Dan (06:40):

That's going to cut out a bunch.


Maureen (06:41):

Also, it is February, and that is when we take our vacation because I have trouble with the winter, so we decided we get our one week off a year. We're going to take that week in February to get out of the winter gloom for a little bit. So not everybody could travel in February, Oscar arranged his vacation time, we take our week in February or January and maybe a lot of kids are in school, so people aren't vacationing in January. They're vacationing in the summer.


Maureen (07:14):

Now here's the thing though Dan, we don't hate it because all we want to do, and actually as I'm saying this, some people more our age or a slightly resentful looking younger person is walking down the beach, is we just want to swim and read and play the five board games that we stashed in our luggage in peace and we don't want anybody to talk to us.


Dan (07:39):

You're set.


Maureen (07:40):

We dragged, there's a big table in our room, so there's sliding doors towards the beach and then there's a big coffee table on the lower level, and the first day I opened up the front doors and I dragged this massive coffee table out onto the little patio. So, I started moving the furniture. So we have a board game tables sitting on our little patio.


Dan (08:05):

Oh, that's nice.


Maureen (08:06):

I know. But, you know-


Dan (08:08):

That's nice, probably the restaurant is empty by 6:30, you're set.


Maureen (08:15):

I mean, last night we went to eat at 8:30 at the one at the very lovely end of the beach and it was deserted. It was literally only us.


Dan (08:25):

It's just you're the only ones still awake.


Maureen (08:30):

I don't hate it at all. It is-


Dan (08:32):

That's awesome.


Maureen (08:34):

The ideal is read for an hour, swim for an hour, read for an hour, swim for an hour, read for an hour, swim for an hour, yoga, read for an hour swim for an hour.


Dan (08:44):

You're living the life, you are living it.


Maureen (08:47):

It's all I want.


Dan (08:50):

That's nice.


Maureen (08:51):

We don't want to hear any bands. They do have a band, but they're not a pain in the ass, and we are so far down the beach that we can't even hear them. But, we just want to be left alone Dan to do very boring things.


Dan (09:07):

You've got it all figured out Maureen Johnson.


Maureen (09:10):

Is that wrong?


Dan (09:12):

No, this is right. It seems right to me. It seems right to me.


Maureen (09:20):

I do have a serious question for this week, which is why did I have to go this far just to sit and I can't swim at home and I love to swim. Swimming is one of my favorite things in the world, but just to read. I'm confused by this, but I realized that, so I've been leaving my phone, this is the first time I've taken out the computer. I only brought the computer for this and I've been trying to leave the phone behind. The difference that makes is so consequential, because I kept saying I wanted to get my concentration back this year and on my phone last night I was reading an article by an MIT, or it was an MIT study. Some professor, there's a bunch of students weren't doing well in his class and he said for an experiment for a grade, I want you to give me your phones for nine days.


Maureen (10:24):

And so for nine days these students were without their phones, and they started reporting the results of feeling, at first they felt unconnected and then they felt more connected and just the basic things we all already know about what phones and connectivity are doing to us.


Dan (10:42):



Maureen (10:44):

Anyway, Dan, I'm meandering a bit.


Dan (10:46):

Well, we are going to put a hard stop to that Maureen. Let's talk about the news.


Maureen (10:55):

What about you Dan? You went to Disney World.


Dan (10:58):

Let's save that for a little bit later. Here's my suggestion, Maureen, let's power through the bullshit and then circle back to joy.


Maureen (11:09):

All right.


Dan (11:10):

How does that sound?


Maureen (11:11):

I'm putting a pillow on my abdomen because the computer was getting hot, because Dan I am in a swimsuit.


Dan (11:19):

Of course you are.


Maureen (11:19):

It's a little bikini and my laptop was on my abdomen, I was like, ouch that's hot.


Dan (11:25):

I just imagine we're going to finish recording, going to hit stop, you're just flinging that laptop aside and just cannon balling straight into a pool.


Maureen (11:37):



Dan (11:39):

That sounds right. That's good.


Maureen (11:42):

They have bikes that you can use to go around the property and I took one yesterday, a little cruiser. And as I was barreling along, I went to slow down and little cruiser has no brakes, no brakes.


Dan (11:57):

[crosstalk 00:11:57] had coaster brakes, right?


Maureen (11:58):

Nope. Nope.


Dan (12:00):



Maureen (12:01):

No handle breaks, no backwards breaks. Nothing. I went to test for breaks, there were no breaks and I was like, how does this end? And I was barefoot-


Dan (12:10):

In the sea.


Maureen (12:11):

Because, I had slide on shoes, so it was safer for me to peddle barefoot and I was riding on a gravel road. So basically only way I could slow down was by dragging my feet a little bit.


Dan (12:27):

Oh boy.


Maureen (12:28):

So I did manage to success. I just let it slow down a little bit and then I went with my feet to walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk it down. But, one lesson is test for breaks before you go barreling down the road and go, oh, there are no brakes on this cruiser bike.


Dan (12:46):

Well, if that's not a metaphor, I don't know what is.


Maureen (12:50):

I don't know either.


Dan (12:51):

But John Bolton is back Maureen.


Maureen (12:53):

Don't you dare.


Dan (12:55):

John Bolton is back. He gave a talk at Duke university yesterday. John Bolton, for those of you that have managed to miss this, former ambassador to the UN mustachioed, most recently national security advisor to Donald Trump, quit this summer because somehow, even though he is a major war hawk, he was outraged at what he witnessed. Could have spoken up during any point of the impeachment process and didn't, has a book coming out, the fact that it exists almost changed the outcome of the impeachment process, but didn't. And now he's starting his press bullshit, his junket. He gave a talk at Duke university yesterday. When asked about the July 25th, Ukraine call between president Trump and Ukrainian president's Zelensky, he responded, Maureen Johnson, you'll love chapter 14.


Maureen (14:11):

Dan, I am an author. I work in publishing and it is wrong to pirate books. It's stealing, it takes away from other's profits. It makes it hard to continue the publishing industry in general. It really does impact us in a huge way and makes it impossible for a lot of times for new books to come out. That being said, pirate this motherfucker's book, give him nothing. Take every-


Dan (14:37):



Maureen (14:37):

Take every cent away from him and also anyone that helped facilitate this book coming out. In this particular case, it is good to punish them because this mother fucker, I mean, he was already a bad man for a lot of reasons, he was-


Dan (14:59):

Oh yeah.


Maureen (15:00):

He was a crazy mustachioed war hawk, he did a lot of terrible things. He joined a terrible administration, he quit. And instead of doing anything that was right, anything that was useful, anything that was of service, anything that could help, instead of testifying, instead of doing anything, he wrote a book. And this guy, he cannot go fuck himself more. He could fuck himself right off into the sun. Take everything from this man.


Dan (15:34):

Sounds right.


Maureen (15:36):

Steal the book, steal his book if you want to know what chapter 14 says. Steal the book-


Dan (15:43):

Or just wait a day and you'll know.


Maureen (15:48):

Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. You don't have to read it. Some reporter will read it and then you can just read the summary. Definitely don't bother with it. Don't give him any time, any credit. If you see the book, obviously if it's in independent bookstore, leave it alone, it's fine. But if you see it in an airport, I don't know.


Dan (16:09):

Do some creative re shelving.


Maureen (16:11):

Eat it. You can just eat it maybe. Yeah, creative re shelving it-


Dan (16:19):

Move it to the humor section.


Maureen (16:21):

Yeah. Move it to ... Yeah, what's the section in the airport bookstore that no one wants because those are very carefully curated little spaces. Philosophy?


Dan (16:35):

Are there philosophy sections in airport bookstores?


Maureen (16:39):

Most probably. There might be little tiny one, but it'll be like doctor Phil.


Dan (16:45):

Oh yeah, that's true. It'll be pop psych stuff. His book in theory comes out in a month.


Maureen (16:56):

It'll be Marianne Williamson.


Dan (17:01):

Has she officially dropped out yet?


Maureen (17:04):



Dan (17:05):

Has she?


Maureen (17:06):



Dan (17:07):



Maureen (17:08):

Yeah, she's suspended her campaign.


Dan (17:10):

Okay. I know she laid everyone off, but I wasn't sure if she had actually officially dropped out.


Maureen (17:17):

Yeah, she's gone.


Dan (17:20):

That's a real shame.


Maureen (17:23):

It's going to be something to look back on if we have history to remark that she was in this campaign.


Dan (17:35):

Speaking of terrible people Maureen, I'm sorry, just look out the window for a second. Is there a dolphin or something?


Maureen (17:43):

There is a very ominous looking long black boat, freighter.


Dan (17:53):



Maureen (17:54):

Very ominous looking freighter.


Dan (17:56):

Well, correct, because our next order of business is that noted white house white supremacists Stephen Miller got married this weekend, Maureen.


Maureen (18:11):

Oh, that's nice.


Dan (18:13):

At Trump's Washington DC hotel because of course he did.


Maureen (18:18):

Of course.


Dan (18:20):

And Maureen, I want to turn your attention to our notes because I need you to narrate a photograph that has been put into our notes.


Maureen (18:31):

I'm going to expand this for a second. First of all, all right, what I'm looking at it is a photograph of a ballroom, very close up of a ballroom stage at a wedding. The stage itself, it's white with gold trim and it looks like something out of a casino, the color scheme in general. It's not tasteful. It's like what? Yeah, there are-


Dan (19:05):



Maureen (19:06):

It's gaudy. It's fake Versailles.


Dan (19:10):



Maureen (19:10):

And there's a band on the stage, you see the drummer and you see the bassist and what looks like some secret service people standing in the corner. Center stage is a late stage Elvis impersonator.


Dan (19:33):



Maureen (19:37):

He looks a little young for late stage Elvis, but he's got the white jumpsuit on and the big wrestler belt and things like that. And he's singing and right, the only couple you see right up by the stage is, let's see, I saw this photo last night without context. I didn't know who it was of and I thought it was a Putin, because I was looking at it on my phone and it was very small and I was like, why is Putin dancing to Elvis? A woman, she's wearing a very, a white dress, it's a tight cut wedding dress form fitting. And she's smiling and laughing into this guy's face, like she's having a wonderful time. It doesn't look real, Dan. It looks like all of the elements in this photo have been cut out of other things in a weird Photoshop job and put together in a terrible hall of mirrors.


Dan (20:45):

Yeah, it definitely looks like the two figures in the foreground are cutout, but Maureen, who is the smiling groom in this photo?


Maureen (21:03):

I mean it's Stephen Miller.


Dan (21:05):

It is Stephen Miller.


Maureen (21:07):

Not Putin.


Dan (21:10):

Definitely not Putin. 34 year old going on 56 year old Stephen Miller.


Maureen (21:17):

He looks like ... He's 34 year old going on. Mr. Burns.


Dan (21:23):

Yeah. Between Stephen Miller and Lev Parnas, you realize that evil really ages you in a way that is not good.


Maureen (21:37):



Dan (21:39):

But yeah, Stephen Miller gets married at Trump's DC hotel, and they have an Elvis impersonator as the band.


Maureen (21:51):



Dan (21:53):

The whole thing is just real classy. They're just classy people.


Maureen (22:01):

I don't want him to have any fun ever.


Dan (22:04):

Oh no, no.


Maureen (22:06):

No, I mean, I just, I'm angry that he's ever happy.


Dan (22:10):

Yeah, that sounds right. Seems entirely fair.


Maureen (22:18):

Well Dan-


Dan (22:18):

That said he's having fun in just pure ... He has no taste, so there's that.


Maureen (22:29):

The people, it doesn't matter Dan, they're still happy.


Dan (22:35):

God damn it.


Maureen (22:36):

Well, is that the only thing that's happening, Dan?


Dan (22:38):

Well, speaking of classy things, Maureen, Trump drove his limo around the Daytona 500 track.


Maureen (22:46):

Again, Dan, I am reminded of the time that in 30 Rock, that subway hero, Dennis Duffy teamed up with the Stanley cup to fight illiteracy. Everything is that.


Dan (22:59):

The best thing is, is they also did a flyby of the Daytona 500, and somehow Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, Parscle, I don't know how you fucking pronounce. I don't care. I don't care.


Maureen (23:13):

It doesn't fucking matter.


Dan (23:16):

He posted a photo of air force one looming up from the stands of the Daytona 500 and was like, posted something like, name me a more epic photo or some shit like that. And then it turned out that was from 2004, and it was George W. Bush's plane, because literally nothing can be done without a lie involved. So, that's cool.


Maureen (23:47):

Dan, I'm looking above the edge of my computer at the Caribbean again at the various stages of the waters color, the Aqua Marine color. Oh, these adorable little tropical birds that are ... I'm trying to really, aside from this, when I'm done this, I'm shutting the computer Dan because this is it for me this week. This is what I've got. I tell a lie. I am going on one writer's retreat where I will be working and therefore-


Dan (24:18):



Maureen (24:20):



Dan (24:22):

You're going on a writer's retreat in Antigua?


Maureen (24:24):

No, in Mexico.


Dan (24:27):

Oh, okay. I thought you're going to be like, no in Vermont.


Maureen (24:30):

No, Mexico. Look Dan, yes it's in Puerto Vallarta. It's actually going to be another, it's on a ... You know how like the time I recorded from Jamaica when I told, I said to Kelly and Khan, we could eat my entire ass. That was shouted in a room in Jamaica. Yes. I know. I'm just saying I'm trying to store up sun, nature, positivity, anything I can, I'm trying to appreciate every second of it because I know what this year is, and I want to be thankful for every single part of it.


Maureen (25:12):

When Oscar and I were swimming yesterday, he dove underwater and he brought me a rock, because I collect rocks on vacation. Shut up, I'm the person that takes rocks on vacation. I can bring them home. And this particular was a piece of coral that had very shells embedded in it, and I was so happy with this rock that I swam all the way down the beach with it and brought it back to the room. And he was like, I thought you'd like the rock. I didn't think you'd get that excited about the rock. And I was like, this is my favorite rock ever, and I put it down and I cleaned it off and I put it down and I smiled at it. I was so happy with this rock.


Maureen (25:49):

Dan what I'm saying is anything you've got that you can, any moment you can recharge, if you can, do it, hold onto it. I always feel guilty for enjoying myself. I don't feel that I have the right to go on vacation. I think it's bad and I feel guilty. Oscar being European is like, why? And I'm like, because I should be not doing this. I don't deserve it. Do you do this at all Dan?


Dan (26:22):

Oh, definitely. Yeah. I mean, I think that it's hard to enjoy things right now.


Maureen (26:37):

Certainly knowing that other people need things. I'm like, but yeah I'm struggling with it Dan. But I mean, but I go away this one week a year and I try and remember that it's the right thing to do. It might have something to do with our being American as well, that we're-


Dan (26:58):

Yes. Oh, without a doubt, the American work ethic is incompatible with vacation for sure.


Maureen (27:03):

And that we're not supposed to-


Dan (27:04):

Or at least wants you to think that you are.


Maureen (27:06):



Dan (27:08):

Well, store it up, Maureen, because the Nevada Caucuses are on Saturday and they are already gearing up to be another shit show of a Caucus. They were supposed to use the same app that the Iowa Caucuses used, and have decided that they aren't doing that, quickly built a Google form instead. But apparently haven't trained anyone on it. So everyone is-


Maureen (27:37):

Excuse me?


Dan (27:38):

It's just-


Maureen (27:39):

Excuse me? Did you say Google form?


Dan (27:43):

I did say Google form. I don't disagree with the idea of using a Google form. If all you are doing is submitting numbers into a central location, it's not the worst idea in the world, but-


Maureen (27:56):

I though you were saying that's how voting would happen.


Dan (27:59):

No, no. This is the reporting from the Caucus.


Maureen (28:02):

That's why I was a little worried.


Dan (28:03):

No, no, no, no. Same deal with Iowa, right? The Iowa Caucuses, the app was just there to report the results of the gymnasium final numbers and then tally them up. So, then that's all they really need. I actually think that a Google form is a fine way of doing that, but probably building it a week ahead of time, not testing it and not training anyone on it is maybe not the way to do it.


Maureen (28:38):

I have a question.


Dan (28:40):

Okay, only one.


Maureen (28:43):

Let's start with one.


Dan (28:45):



Maureen (28:45):

Why don't they call in the numbers to somewhere?


Dan (28:50):

That's a good question. All of these places have the way they've done it before available to them, but they seem dead set on rocketing forward with poorly thought through plans instead, which I mean game respect game. That's my general M.O., but I'm also not running, I am not running Caucuses for fucking entire States. I'm just doing my own bullshit. And also Maureen, there's another debate.


Maureen (29:33):



Dan (29:33):

It's tonight.


Maureen (29:34):



Dan (29:34):

Well, it's tonight as of when this episode comes out. It's Wednesday night, the 19th.


Maureen (29:42):

Dan, you know what I'll be doing tomorrow night right before that debate?


Dan (29:47):

Riding a whale.


Maureen (29:48):

No, I'm going on a boat with a guy named captain Steve.


Dan (29:52):

That's close. Maybe his boat's called the Whale.


Maureen (29:55):

We booked one-


Dan (29:56):

Captain Steve where he's taking you?


Maureen (29:59):

Captain Steve, it's one of those things where you get a half a day on a boat and they take you to a nice ... You get your snorkel and then you get in the water and you look at the fish, and then I think we're going to go to a place where we could see a turtle and a stingray.


Dan (30:13):

That is amazing.


Maureen (30:14):

I'm psyched as hell.


Dan (30:17):

Captain Steve.


Maureen (30:20):

Dan, I-


Dan (30:20):

Have you met captain Steve?


Maureen (30:22):

I have met captain Steve.


Dan (30:25):

Is he everything that he should be?


Maureen (30:27):

He's a guy. He has a boat, he takes out four people. He takes you out for four hours. This one's going to go to the South side of the Island to a nice calm place. Dan I love the Caribbean sea with a passion. I can barely describe it. At the same time, I am also fearful, respectfully fearful of the water and slightly scared of fish. I also love snorkeling and I'm terrified when the fish come up to me and I love it. And the most terrifying snorkeling experience I've ever had, aside from that time that I thought I saw a scary eel that turned out to be a stick and I swam while leaving my friend for dead, was the time also we saw a lionfish. He was like, there's a lionfish, it's incredibly poisonous, and I swam away leaving my friend for dead, was the time we snorkeled over a shipwreck and that was spooky. It was too spooky. That was too eerie.


Maureen (31:29):

Seeing I've always had a fascination with underwater archeologists, like submerged cities, as a kid I used to stare at pictures of archeology finds underwater. I was fascinated with Pompei. I was fascinated with things that were under things, an obsession that continues to this day when I obsessionally write books in which there are tunnels and things buried under other things, it has always been a thing. But looking at the shipwreck was too, it's too eerie. So whenever the fish come up to me, I scream like a little tiny girl, a fish. And then I really like it as well, and frequently I'm freaked out by stuff that turns out to be my own hair. Dan, I am talking about this because I will not be watching the debate. How many debates are there going to be? 400. Is that the correct number or?


Dan (32:28):

Mm-hmm (affirmative). I think this is 399, so we're at least 400 as in at least.


Maureen (32:35):

And is our own personal democratic Darth Vader, Michael Bloomberg going to be in this one?


Dan (32:39):

You know what? I'm unclear because I refuse to learn.


Maureen (32:44):

Dan, the recent rise of Michael Bloomberg, he's just going to keep coming up more and more isn't he? Isn't he Dan?


Dan (32:55):

Yeah, he's got that kind of money. He's got, sorry, I had to move a chair into my vicinity. He has that kind of money that he can just keep showing up. I don't want to talk about him. I don't want to ... No, you talking about snorkeling-


Maureen (33:14):

No, Dan, we have to.


Dan (33:16):

Is that the sea? That was just the sound of wave crashing, wasn't it?


Maureen (33:21):

Did you hear that?


Dan (33:28):

I couldn't hear that, but I did hear a swishing behind you at one point.


Maureen (33:32):

That swishing is the sea Dan.


Dan (33:35):

Love it.


Maureen (33:36):

Michael Bloomberg, a guy who basically wandered into there. You know that song, You're So Vain by Carly Simon?


Dan (33:46):



Maureen (33:47):

And there's a line, you walked into the party like you were walking into a yacht. Your hat was strategically dipped over one eye. Just the guy who walks in like he fucking owns the place.


Dan (34:02):



Maureen (34:02):

You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you, that feels like Michael Bloomberg. He just wandered in with his fuck you money. He was like, I don't need to debate, I don't need to do shit. I'm just here. He's got 2000 staffers. 2000, Dan.


Dan (34:22):

I don't want to talk about him. I don't.


Maureen (34:25):

There are no native Michael Bloomberg supporters. There are only staff members. Michael Bloomberg-


Dan (34:34):

There are only staff members and frightened people, and I don't need to give either of them the fucking time of day Maureen Johnson. I refuse to fucking participate in that because you are staring out on the ocean. I have the last remnants of glow of being at Disneyland this fucking Saturday. I don't need to give any of it to Michael Bloomberg.


Maureen (34:56):



Dan (34:56):



Maureen (34:57):

There is every chance in the world he's going to be the nominee.


Dan (35:00):

Stop it. What are you doing?


Maureen (35:03):

I know.


Dan (35:03):

Just shut your mouth right now. Look at that fucking sea.


Maureen (35:08):

I will say that when I was back in Philly, there was a family friend who was like, I don't know, maybe I've been hearing things about this Michael Bloomberg and I almost jumped across the table and grabbed them by the lapels and said, you must never vote for Michael Bloomberg. It doesn't matter what happens, I'm not saying vote for Trump. I'm saying in this primary, do not support Michael Bloomberg.


Dan (35:32):

No, no.


Maureen (35:33):

What if our choices are Bloomberg or Trump, Dan?


Dan (35:36):

Just stop it. What are you doing? You're on ... Stop it right now God damn it!


Maureen (35:43):

But Dan-


Dan (35:47):

Stop it. No, no.


Maureen (35:53):



Dan (35:53):

Stop it. La, la, la, la.


Maureen (35:54):

Dan, this is our job.


Dan (35:55):

La, la, la, la.


Maureen (35:57):

Dan, Daniel, Dan.


Dan (35:59):

La, la.


Maureen (36:05):

We got to talk about it. That's-


Dan (36:07):

No, we don't.


Maureen (36:08):

That's the story of the week Dan.


Dan (36:10):

No, it's not. The story of the week is that I went to fucking Disneyland with Akilah Hughes and it was the fucking greatest thing in the world, and you can't take that away by bringing up Michael fucking Bloomberg.


Maureen (36:22):

He's going to end up in the debates Dan. He's already got-


Dan (36:25):

Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.


Maureen (36:28):

He's buying commercial. Did you see stuff in LA for him?


Dan (36:31):

What are you doing? What are you doing?


Maureen (36:34):

I'm asking you a question Dan.


Dan (36:35):

Look at our notes. The notes say, let's double down on fucking joy this week and instead you're bringing up Michael Bloomberg, what are you doing?


Maureen (36:45):

Because we have to.


Dan (36:46):

What are you doing? What are you doing?


Maureen (36:47):

I'm doing my job as a Says Who person.


Dan (36:50):

God damn it. Don't do that.


Maureen (36:52):

I'm trying to cope with it in a safe place.


Dan (36:55):

Oh God. This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare.


Maureen (37:01):

Did you see stuff from Michael Bloomberg in LA? Yes or no?


Dan (37:04):

Everywhere. Everywhere in California.


Maureen (37:07):

Uh-huh (affirmative).


Dan (37:08):

Everywhere because he has fucking bought every goddamn storefront there is to fucking have campaign offices in because California is his beach head. So, if you're listening to this in California, don't fucking vote for that dude.


Maureen (37:26):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).


Dan (37:27):

God damn it, Maureen. God damn it.


Maureen (37:30):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).


Dan (37:31):

I was in a good mood, you had to bring a Michael fucking Bloomberg. God damn it.


Maureen (37:45):

You have to choose Dan.


Dan (37:46):

I was going to talk to you about Disneyland. I have fucking 400 notes.


Maureen (37:49):

Dan, I'm going to make you choose right now. Are you ready?


Dan (37:53):

What are you making me choose?


Maureen (37:55):

Bloomberg or Biden?


Dan (37:56):

You're the worst.


Maureen (37:56):

Bloomberg or Biden?


Dan (37:58):

What the fuck are you doing? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to everyone listening? What are you doing? You're in fucking Antigua, so what are you doing?


Maureen (38:11):

You have to pick one.


Dan (38:14):

Biden by a mile, but fuck you. God damn it, what are you doing?


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:21):

Hi Dan, it's me.


Dan (38:23):

God damn it. Just stop it.


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:27):

I wanted you to admit you love my man. Yeah, you picked my man, that's right. You made the right choice.


Dan (38:30):

Oh Maureen, God damn it [crosstalk 00:38:34].


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:34):

It's me. That's me, Dan. I've got a plan to get everyone behind my man.


Dan (38:39):

It's the worst. This is the worst.


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:41):

I love him.


Dan (38:41):

I was going to have so much fun on this episode.


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:45):

I'm going to have so much fun too Dan, working for my man.


Dan (38:48):

No. Just finish your thing. Just say whatever you need to say-


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:52):

Now you admit that you love him just like me.


Dan (38:54):

Just stop it.


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:56):

You said you liked my man.


Dan (38:58):

Just stop it.


Amy Carter's Shoe (38:59):

You said you would go for my man. My man Joe Biden. Me and Corn Pops out to work for the man. He likes to have people rubbing the hair on his legs.


Dan (39:12):

Can I just interrupt for a second to say that me and my family we were wrestling last night and there was a match that was a street fight, which means you can use weapons and things. One of the women in it was suddenly pull the length of chain out from underneath the ring and wrapped it around her arm. And I went, that's just like Joe Biden and Corn Pop.


Maureen (39:41):

Christ. Oh, Dan. So anyway, Michael at some point we're going to be having showdowns between-


Dan (39:47):

Just stop it, fuck you. God damn it.


Maureen (39:52):

Michael Bloomberg, mayor Pete-


Dan (39:58):

[crosstalk 00:39:58] this notes. I was going to tell you about the new Dole Whip that they have. I was going to talk to you about the fucking new star Wars ride, and now here we are. How is it that the person that's looking out on the fucking Caribbean sea right now is the one bringing all this fucking down?


Maureen (40:16):

Well, I lifted up my computer a little bit, so now I can just see the fronds of a palm tree and these notes, because it's real Dan because we have to talk about the fact that it is mid February. This election is in November and Michael Bloomberg is ... Okay, Dan the other night, the first night that we were here-


Dan (40:35):

This is the worst, I quit.


Maureen (40:36):

The first night I was here I had a dream. It was one of those things where you wake up early in the morning to like, it's like 45 minutes before you're actually going to wake up and you get a little restless and then you go back to sleep and you go into a super deep sleep all of a sudden. And I had this very vivid dream that Oscar and I were walking on the beach, and first we saw a billion dolphins and I was like, look at all the mother fucking dolphins. And it was cool. And then he went to take a shower and he was in this little shower room and I had to go down a couple of steps and there was a vestibule with a big square window in it. And the water level came like, I guess it was partially underwater this window because it had a line of water halfway and I was admiring it and then materializing just out at the top of the water was a shark fin.


Maureen (41:23):

So basically my dream materialized the poster for jaws and it literally, the shark fin came up and I went, what? That happens? That's a shark. And then I was looking at it and then the rest of the shark materialized under the water and it turned towards me very slowly and in the dream I had the realization that the shark was there and it was going to come through the window at me and eat me. I went to move and my legs turned to rubber. I was paralyzed. I couldn't move, and Oscar was just up this four steps or so in the shower and I was trying to shark, shark, shark. I just needed him to pull me up there. But I kept going shark, shark, and he's in the shower like, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, he's not paying any attention in the world. I'm like shark, shark, shark, shark because it was coming for me Dan.


Maureen (42:15):

I saw it, first it looked just like a picture in a poster and then the poster turned real and it was a shark and it was coming through this glass through like if you could imagine television or any kind of other screen. It was coming for me, Dan, and it was going to eat me and it was a shark in any way Dan. I'm saying that's a little bit what Michael Bloomberg is like. First, it's just a dumb ass picture, but then it actually turns into a shark. It's going to eat you and I'm yelling shark, shark, shark, shark, shark, and you're like, doo, doo doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo. But it's coming Dan, and you've got to face it. And he was out there. He was surrounding Disneyland with his little vote for me. I'm rich.


Dan (42:52):

My God, you're fucking evil.


Maureen (42:56):

No, Dan, I'm saying we have to be aware so that we can stop the Mike Bloomberg's. Because the Says Whovians they already know. They're trying to cope with it right now, and that's what we're here to do. Help them cope. They're like, help us cope with Michael Bloomberg, and I'm here, say we got you.


Dan (43:14):

I'm not here Maureen.


Maureen (43:15):

Dan is not here. He's doo, doo, doo in the shower. I'm going shark, shark, shark, shark.


Dan (43:20):

Just an empty husk of a person now.


Maureen (43:22):

Because that guy has unlimited dollars. He can buy the moon because as he said, unlike Trump, he's actually rich. Dan, are you doing your breathing exercises?


Dan (43:45):

In through the nose.


Maureen (43:46):

Did you go to Disneyland this week?


Dan (43:49):

I did. I was all excited to talk about it, but now I've got nothing. Now, I'm just a hollow husk man.


Maureen (43:54):

No, I want you to.


Dan (43:55):

No, it was fine. It was a lot of fun.


Maureen (43:56):

Did you have the Dole Whip?


Dan (43:58):

It was great.


Maureen (43:59):

I saw the picture of the Dole Whip, it had some red on it.


Dan (44:02):

Maureen Johnson. Okay. Let me just ...


Maureen (44:04):

What was on the Dole Whip?


Dan (44:05):

Okay, so-


Maureen (44:06):

So come on what was on the Dole Whip?


Dan (44:07):

Before we even get to the Dole Whip, so I went to Disneyland. Typically, I go to Disney World. Disneyland is in LA, Disney World is in Florida. In Disneyland, they have built essentially an entire eating establishment dedicated to Dole Whips called the Tropical Hideaway. It is nestled behind the enchanted Tiki room where birds sing, robot birds sing songs to you and along runs along the dock for the jungle cruise. So there are jungle cruise boats pulling in and out of port. There is an actual robot bird on the dock that tells jokes, and then they sell Dole Whips and then they also sell bows and egg rolls. So you can actually get food, you can get Dole Whips.


Maureen (45:05):



Dan (45:06):

The Dole whips, so not only do they have traditional pineapple Dole Whip, they have a bunch of different flavored Dole Whips, raspberry, mango, one or two others. You can get swirls of those, but then they also, Maureen, they sell a couple of Dole Whips with stuff on top and things like that. And I got a chili mango pineapple Dole Whip.


Maureen (45:32):

Fuck yes.


Dan (45:33):

Maureen Johnson, it was fucking life changing. It was a swirl of mango and pineapple Dole Whip. But then it had Chamoy sauce on it, which is, it is a Mexican sauce that is pickled fruit and chili. And so it is sweet and sour, and then it had Tajin seasoning on it, and then it was just piled high with cubed mango and cubed pineapple and cubed cucumbers.


Maureen (46:07):



Dan (46:08):

And it was fucking life changing. It was the greatest thing I have ever eaten. And you're sitting in what is ... Disneyland is a real, Disneyland on a weekend is a real crowded ass place, and yet somehow this eating area is a little bit tucked away. You're away from the crowd, it actually feels like both Akilah and I were like, Jesus, we should have brought laptops and just worked here or something. It is genuinely relaxing and nice and you are eating the fucking greatest thing I've ever eaten.


Maureen (46:46):

Oh my God, Dan.


Dan (46:47):

It's so good.


Maureen (46:48):

What if you lived in LA? And then, for example, I work from home, I lived in LA and then I just bought a pass to Disneyland and then literally took my laptop into Disneyland and worked in Disneyland every day.


Dan (47:02):

I wonder if they would not let you whip a laptop out, but otherwise it-


Maureen (47:07):

Why would they [crosstalk 00:47:07]?


Dan (47:07):

So that was like ... So, I went to Disney land very early. I got out of my hotel at 6:00 AM, I was through the lines by 7:45 in the morning and ready, the park opened at eight in the morning, right? And Akilah came midday, so I had the morning to just run around and do shit. And by the time Akilah came, the crowds were just bananas, even the shitty rides were an hour long wait. And the good rides were fucking two hours or more. So, we just walked around and fucking talked about our jobs and gave each other fucking career advice, and it was actually great.


Maureen (47:50):

Oh my God.


Dan (47:52):

At one point we sat at a fucking picnic table in Cars Land eating churros for an hour, fixing our fucking career shit. It was great. That's like my dream come true, those three things combined. It was just perfect.


Maureen (48:12):

I can't believe this is happening.


Dan (48:12):

Maureen, it was a remarkable day. So part of the reason I got there so early was to try to get a boarding group for the new Star Wars ride not the Millennium Falcon ride, but the one that's bananas, right? I got a boarding group but it was like a backup boarding group. By the time Akilah came it still hadn't been called, and so finally she came, she had all sorts of problems with her ticket and went, and so we had to like go out of the park to sort out the ticket situation because she had, I don't quite know how, but wires had gotten crossed. She had bought the wrong ticket and spent a lot of money for it and all of that.


Dan (48:55):

The first thing, first good thing was the person at the ticket booth was like, oh yeah that's wrong. Well here, let's get your annual pass upgraded and all this shit. And suddenly she was like, holy shit, now I'm able to come whenever. And it was amazing. And then pretty much right after that my boarding group got called and that ride is literally you hit a button on the app at 8:00 AM and by 8:01, all of the tickets are sold out for it, right? Or given away for it. It's like you have a one minute window with which to maybe get on the ride and if you don't then you don't. And I was like, shit, this ride just opened up, fuck. She was like, it's cool. I'll just hold your stuff and you go ride it and meet up with me. And I was like, well, let's go find out if maybe we can get you on. And we fucking talked her onto the ride, which was amazing.


Dan (49:44):

The ride itself was incredible. The best part is like a ride in two parts. And we got through the first part, and then the ride broke down. And so we got to be walked out through the back of the whole ride and all this shit, which for me was like, this is amazing. Look at all these fake rocks that you can see the backs of and oh, look at that there's an audio man, the Tronic that you can see the butt and all of its weird electronics hanging out of it. And it also meant we got to ride the ride a second time and actually do the entire thing, which when it ended, we were both sitting there in stunned silence and Akilah turns and went, I feel like I'm a better person now. That's how good a ride it was.


Dan (50:31):

After that ride, we were like, oh, let's go back into California Adventure. Let's go to the cars ride, but the lines were insane. So, we didn't really ride many rides. We show up, it's like a two hour wait for the ride. We're like, ah, you know what? And then we start turning around and one of the people is like, you know what? You two are so cute. Why don't you go through the fast pass line? So then we got to fucking ride that shit. Then, it was like almost time for the fireworks. So we went back into Disneyland and there were just people everywhere. It's so crowded. I can't even underscore how crowded it was. And we were confused, we asked a family, is there a parade? Is there fireworks? What's going on? They were like, we don't know. And we were like, okay cool.


Dan (51:08):

So then we went and asked somebody that actually works there and they were like, oh yeah, it's fireworks, [inaudible 00:51:13]. And then they were like, follow me. And so we followed her and she led us into this roped off area with fucking benches right outside the castle. And we just got to chill and watch fireworks from a goddam bench. It was the best Maureen. It was the best. And then once that was done, everyone had already gone home. And so then we could just ride all the dumb ass rides like Mr. Toads Wild Ride and have a fun time. But, it was an amazing day.


Maureen (51:42):

Mm-hmm (affirmative). You know what I'm thinking about right now Dan.


Dan (51:46):

And now you're fucking rubbing Michael ass, you're thinking of Michael Bloomberg because you're a fucking dick.


Maureen (51:53):

I'm saying Dan.


Dan (51:54):

God damn it.


Maureen (51:57):



Dan (52:00):

Stop it. Just stop it. Just give me this. I just want this. I don't have a lot Maureen.


Maureen (52:07):

You do.


Dan (52:08):

I don't have a lot. I just have this.


Maureen (52:11):

You have cute kids.


Dan (52:14):

All I have is this one day at Disneyland.


Maureen (52:18):

You got your beard.


Dan (52:19):

Which was entirely paid for by tips from It was like the impeachment celebration at Disneyland. Here's the thing, Maureen. I remember eons ago in a whole nother lifetime when we started Says Who, all the way back then when we were children.


Maureen (52:39):



Dan (52:41):

I remember you saying Trump isn't allowed to steal our joy, and you know what? Neither is fucking Michael Bloomberg, God damn it. I get Disneyland, I get my trip to Disneyland, God damn it. God damn it. God damn it.


Maureen (52:58):

I'm not saying anything Dan.


Dan (53:00):

You are though. Just in your own voice. It's there. There's a fucking billionaire hanging out on your fucking vocal chords.


Maureen (53:08):



Dan (53:09):

He bought the God damn vocal chords.


Maureen (53:13):

What are you talking about? You seem paranoid Dan.


Dan (53:15):

I just, his voice. Just his voice.


Maureen (53:18):

Are you okay?


Dan (53:20):

No, I'm not. Damn it. Here, I tell you this great little story and you're just like Michael Bloomberg, boo, boo, boo.


Maureen (53:27):

Dan, look at your beard. Relax, look at your beard.


Dan (53:27):

Instead of being like, wow what incredible, Disney magic, what a great thing. What an amazing thing to be rejuvenated by the Disney magic, and how were the fireworks, and oh man, was it nice hanging out with the Akilah and blah, blah, blah. No, instead you're just, oh Michael Bloomberg.


Maureen (53:43):

How many offices did you see?


Dan (53:46):

4 million. It's like every other store.


Maureen (53:52):

So it was avocado toast places, weed dispensaries.


Dan (53:55):

Wellness places. Yeah, weed dispensaries.


Maureen (53:57):

Wellness places, crystals shops and Michael Bloomberg.


Dan (54:02):

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, and expensive sneaker stores, and then Michael Bloomberg.


Maureen (54:08):

Michael Bloomberg.


Dan (54:09):

Yeah. Anyway, Says Who is made possible by you.


Maureen (54:13):

By Michael Bloomberg.


Dan (54:13):

Through your support of our Patreon. No, it's not.


Maureen (54:15):

That's right, our newest sponsor Michael Bloomberg.


Dan (54:18):

God dammit. No, it is not. You take those words out of your goddamn mouth right now. No.


Maureen (54:30):

What if he's a Patreon backer? We don't have a million dollar level.


Dan (54:35):

God damn it.


Maureen (54:36):

Boy, what are we going to have to send him?


Dan (54:40):

Says Who is made possible by you through your support of our Patreon at Our theme music is performed by Ted Leo. Also not bought by Michael Bloomberg.


Maureen (54:54):

He loves Michael Bloomberg, Ted Leo.


Dan (54:56):

No, God damn it, you are the worst. Our logo is designed by Darth.


Maureen (55:04):

Michael Bloomberg.


Dan (55:04):

We love you Darth. You can contact us @sayswhopodcast on Twitter.


Maureen (55:11):


Dan (55:13):

Stop it. You can email at Hey, that is Join the discussion on Facebook, it's, /groups/sayswhovians. Our Facebook group is moderated by Janice Dillard. Can tell you a quick Facebook group story Maureen?


Maureen (55:32):



Dan (55:32):

Janice yesterday was like, you need to see this and there's a Says Whovian in the Facebook group who's like for my says who you, I broke the rules a little bit because I had to watch a lot of YouTube videos, but I watched a lot of YouTube videos in order to teach myself how to throw a shot put and I entered myself into adults track and field competition and he had video from his award winning shot put throw.


Maureen (56:12):

That's amazing.


Dan (56:13):

How amazing is that?


Maureen (56:14):

That's going to be an official sport when Michael Bloomberg is president.


Dan (56:18):

Stop it right now. God, don't do this. Anyway, you too can join the discussion on Facebook at /group/sayswhovians. Our Facebook group is moderated by Janice Dillard. Spread the word about Says Who, subscribe and please leave-


Maureen (56:37):

And Michael Bloomberg, our sponsor.


Dan (56:39):

No, God damn it. Please leave stars and reviews on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen, and you can join us next Wednesday, February 26th for our next episode where you'll be back in New York and you'll wish that you had not fucking ruin your God damn time in the Caribbean thinking about Michael fucking Bloomberg, the former mayor of your goddamn city, by the way, thanks a lot.


Maureen (57:10):

I know that's why-


Dan (57:11):

What's New York brought us lately that we're thankful for? Fucking Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg.


Maureen (57:16):

Rudy Giuliani.


Dan (57:17):

Fuck you and your fucking city. God damn it.


Maureen (57:19):

Rudy Giuliani also.


Dan (57:21):

Yeah, Jesus Christ. All of you.


Maureen (57:23):

Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner.


Dan (57:25):

All of you in New York should just shut the fuck up and think about what you've done.


Maureen (57:32):

Dan, as soon as we finish recording, I'm slamming this computer shut and going into the sea to swim because I had to wait to swim today to do this and you my friend are going to keep thinking about Michael Bloomberg all God damn day for me.


Dan (57:46):

You're going to be floating and it's just going to be there because you put it there and you're going to be like, why did I do that to myself? Dan had such a nice little story about Disneyland and it didn't even matter because all I did was talk about Michael Bloomberg, and why did I do that?


Maureen (58:02):

I just gave you the monkey paw.


Dan (58:03):

You're going to be floating there, you're going to feel the salt in your mouth and you're going to be like, God, I just feel terrible. Feel terrible about it, I'm leaving a dm from you in an hour and a half, and you're going to be like, you know what? I'm so sorry I did that. You had such a nice little story about nice little time and I'm so sorry that I fucking ruined it. From my basement in Chicago I'm Dan Sinker.


Maureen (58:23):

From a place where the ocean meets the sky, the sand meets the sea, and Michael Bloomberg is just somebody you don't want to think about and he probably owns one of the ships that's fucking go. There was a mega yacht that was parked outside and we spent a lot of time trying to figure out who owned the fucking mega yacht, and maybe it was Michael Bloomberg. Anyway, from the beach, I'm Maureen Johnson.


Dan (58:56):

And this has been Says Who.


Maureen (58:57):

Don't sound so bitter Dan.


Dan (58:58):

I'm bitter, I had this whole nice story planned.


Maureen (59:09):

I know.


Dan (59:09):

I didn't even think about Michael Bloomberg when I put these notes together and now look at us.


Maureen (59:13):

I know his name wasn't even in there, was it?


Dan (59:16):

No, it wasn't. It was only in your goddamn cursed mouth.


Maureen (59:22):

I'm going to go swim now, see you later.